Sunday, 25 May 2014

Don't quarry about it

It's been a bit quieter over the last week while art department finishes building the sets. We should be able to get back into shooting again next weekend if all goes to plan.

We did do a decent amount of prep work though. A group of us went to a quarry and dug up four trailer-loads of dirt to lay out on the tarp in front of the greenscreen. This will essentially be our stage. Glad we chose to film on greenscreen because the weather here in Southland has been pretty wild over the last few days with wind, rain, hail, lightning and snow.

Again, apologies about the image quality of these photos, the camera on my phone is pretty bung. I've just noticed I can add captions under the photos though, so that's exciting... 

The groundforce team

Everyday I'm shovelin'

Today myself, Steve, Lee and Brandon took some of the set pieces out to the soundstage in preperation for next weekend as well as to clear space in the tin shed so art department can keep building sets.

Brandon strikes a pose

Myself, carrying a post

Our SITmobile still going strong, although the wild weather out at the quarry almost cost us the door on the passengers side!

Myself stacking some crates

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