My goal will be to focus on sound recording and editing as these are two areas I could realistically pursue after I graduate. It's possible I may end up producing as well, mainly for practical reasons, as myself and Lee have already undergone that baptism of fire and are hopefully a little wiser for it.
For several reasons, I've switched away from writing as a focus. Although I enjoy the theory and mechanics of writing, I find writing itself, with the pressure of looming deadlines, enormously stressful. I have my doubts that tying my fate to professional writing career would be a particularly healthy decision long term. I think I need to be a bit more pragmatic and look towards more tradable/bankable skills.
It's also possible I've been hindered by hype - that fact is, i'm probably not as talented a writer as some believed I was - nor am I as talented a writer as i'd like to believe I was. I feel that I can recognise and appreciate the genius in other's work more easily than I can create it myself.
In terms of this years upcoming film/animation project, it's probably a good idea to split up the roles of writer and producer. In hindsight, i think that's one area where we went wrong last year. Attempting to wear both hats simultaneously hindered our pre-production, particularly as the concept didn't originate with the writer, and time is not a luxury we have.
It's also possible I've been hindered by hype - that fact is, i'm probably not as talented a writer as some believed I was - nor am I as talented a writer as i'd like to believe I was. I feel that I can recognise and appreciate the genius in other's work more easily than I can create it myself.
In terms of this years upcoming film/animation project, it's probably a good idea to split up the roles of writer and producer. In hindsight, i think that's one area where we went wrong last year. Attempting to wear both hats simultaneously hindered our pre-production, particularly as the concept didn't originate with the writer, and time is not a luxury we have.
However, I will continue to write as an outside interest when inspiration strikes. Ultimately, any time practicing storytelling can only be a positive. I remember hearing from an established screenwriter (although I don't remember exactly who that was), that it takes at least ten years to become a decent writer, so it could be that I've still got a few more years to go. Time will tell.