Monday, 16 February 2015

The Year in Preview

So, it's the start of the academic year - time to find focus again. I've had a few months to consider which direction to take for this year and beyond. In last year's collaborative project I ended up with writing, producing, sound and edit assist credits. I'm looking to narrow my focus a little more this year.

My goal will be to focus on sound recording and editing as these are two areas I could realistically pursue after I graduate. It's possible I may end up producing as well, mainly for practical reasons, as myself and Lee have already undergone that baptism of fire and are hopefully a little wiser for it.
For several reasons, I've switched away from writing as a focus. Although I enjoy the theory and mechanics of writing, I find writing itself, with the pressure of looming deadlines, enormously stressful. I have my doubts that tying my fate to professional writing career would be a particularly healthy decision long term. I think I need to be a bit more pragmatic and look towards more tradable/bankable skills.
It's also possible I've been hindered by hype - that fact is, i'm probably not as talented a writer as some believed I was - nor am I as talented a writer as i'd like to believe I was. I feel that I can recognise and appreciate the genius in other's work more easily than I can create it myself.
In terms of this years upcoming film/animation project, it's probably a good idea to split up the roles of writer and producer. In hindsight, i think that's one area where we went wrong last year. Attempting to wear both hats simultaneously hindered our pre-production, particularly as the concept didn't originate with the writer, and time is not a luxury we have.
However, I will continue to write as an outside interest when inspiration strikes. Ultimately, any time practicing storytelling can only be a positive. I remember hearing from an established screenwriter (although I don't remember exactly who that was), that it takes at least ten years to become a decent writer, so it could be that I've still got a few more years to go. Time will tell.


  1. Yes, it does take a long time for the average screenwriter to become decent at their craft, however, there are some individuals with natural instincts for the craft and find early success with the right project. I would encourage you to keep your hand in with the writing etc… Yes, writing opportunities are few and far between in this country, but never give up… I have a folder of rejection letters at home regarding projects that went on to succeed in spite of the initial rejection, so as the old saying goes, "Nobody knows nothing!"

  2. Thanks Patrick. Yes, that's a good point. The Beatles were rejected early in their career, so I guess anything is possible.
