Haven't got a huge amount to report this week as I've been away on another shoot since Thursday, but at the start of the week I was location scouting with some of the other crew. We were checking out some sites for the forest scenes, so we had a look at Seaward Bush and also down at Sandy Point. Found some good areas we could use - while others had been looking at the locations in terms of how it fitted with the visuals (and sound - we had Kyle with us checking things out on the sound side), I was more concerned with how they would fit with logistics: access/parking, potential hazards, toilet facilities, nearby kitchen facilities, areas for unit/catering to set up, distance from town etc.
As I'm away until Saturday, the decision on what locations we will be using will fall to the other producers and the director.
I have some snaps here...
I also have a bit of video footage as well - not sure what the rules are about posting video content on blogs, and whether I would need releases from the crew appearing in it?... In any case, I'll hold off on posting it until I've spoken to them, just as a courtesy.
Thanks, Callum. All enrolled students are covered in terms of releases etc, but it is worth reiterating this at a team meeting.