Sunday, 21 June 2015

Final Countdown

The project is mostly in the hands of the animators now who are working to get the vfx composited. Some of the film team have been helping out with rotoscoping as well. I started working on a roto shot but Rachel asked me to look for a few vfx plates they needed so I didn't end up finishing it.

This week will be busier for the film guys I think. Once the vfx has been added, we still need to colour grade; Kyle is too busy to do any post sound for us so we might have to throw a rough mix together ourselves; we'll need to check in on how the guys are getting on with BTS editing; and the production team will also need to sort out paperwork for the final hand in.

I think what we'll have finished by Friday will still be pretty rough, and we'll need to keep working on it over the next few months to get it polished for The Flicks. But considering that this project has only been going for four months we've managed to do a lot in that time and we still have a few months left to work on final touches so i'm quite pleased with that. We're basically at the same point with BOF that we were in at the final week of last year (on Essimer), so still having a few months before Flicks is an improvement - also, it should mean we can dedicate more time to our individual projects as well. 

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