Saturday 10 October 2015

Where do I even begin? Or end? Or do that bit in the middle?

About 5 more days before I start filming my short - before I have to start filming. Hitting all sort of roadblocks, so I can't guarantee a abundance of quality. I've been getting feedback on my last version of the script and most of it has confirmed issues that I had with it myself. The really serious problem I have is attracting cast to play the roles. I have one, maybe two days (max) to find some solutions. I need to simplify my script right down, somehow. I admire people who manage to write efficiently. To be able to balance character motivation and conflict, concisely, and then have it pay off in a meaningful ending takes real talent. It's something I haven't been able to grasp despite devoting a wealth of concentrated time trying to learn more about writing effectively, analyzing professional scripts (the one's I've been reading lately are Aliens, The Social Network and Collateral) and analyzing my own script. What's really frustrating is that there a few things I think work quite well, but I can't the pieces to fit together. So just remove some pieces? Sure, but then no one knows what character A's goal is any more, or why character B reacts the way they do at the end. Yeah, but then you can just fix that with *major deus ex machina*.

Script, casting and scheduling issues are also distracting me from being able to sort out my art department and are robbing me of pre-pro time with my DOP. Trying to speak to then police about using uniforms but I haven't been able to reach the person in charge of this.

Was hoping to use uniforms similar to this but I think I may just go without the vest and the hat - haven't been able to find anything that doesn't look blatantly costume shop.

There's a scene where I need to use fake blood on the ground so I've been researching fake blood recipes that don't stain the floor.
People on the site were saying how great it looked. Why does mine look like raspberry syrup!!

I got Johanna to attempt a batch so I can test it, but this recipe has turned out looking more like smooth raspberry syrup than blood. I doubt I'll have time/money to solve this problem before the shoot.

I've also been boom operating for Dan Delaet's film Rash. That's been good. Fun group of people working on a fun script. Footage is looking good.

Booming on Rash

More booming on Rash, at the boxing ring


  1. Good self-analysis re: writing. Any observations or reflections from your experience on Rash?

  2. I think Dan cast generally very well for the film and the characters come across as he intended.
    From a sound perspective, I think myself and Kyle have generally done as good as we could, but there were a lot of times where it would have been good to have had more suitable sound gear, particularly good lapel mics so we could cover the wide shots easier. We were training up Aaron on sound with us as well so having three people on sound I think will really help Dan in post. A few other shoots I've been on it has just been me mixing and booming - and it's not impossible to do that job - but it makes life easier if there is more than one person, even if it's just someone to help wrangle cables.
