Sunday, 9 March 2014

It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time to say anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to.

It's only the third post in so it might be too early to call, but I have a feeling that may be the longest post title I'm likely to write. Possibly the longest that anyone is likely to write. But I feel that it encapsulates the past week quite accurately.

We pitched our games trailer concepts at the beginning of the week - I wouldn't say we have a concept yet, in fact I would be highly surprised if the final product looks anything like what was originally pitched. There is still a large degree of metamorphosis yet to occur. We've narrowed down the field, but there was no great eureka moment of "that's it! That's our concept!". If anything, I'd say we had discovered which direction to take by figuring out which directions we didn't want to take. We have the foundation for which something can be built, but we don't quite know what we're building yet.

I think the team feels slightly restless and anxious at the moment - everyone is keen to start working on their own corner of the project, which is understandable. We've had a few weeks of brainstorming so it's natural to feel a little frustrated that we don't have anything concrete yet. We would like to be moving a bit quicker, although as I alluded to in the title, my feeling is that this is the most important phase of the project and we shouldn't rush it unnecessarily. Don't do it unless you're going to do it right. 
Unfortunately for most of the crew, this phase is more producer/writer heavy and there won't be a huge amount for them to get stuck into yet. This is very much the calm before the storm.

In the Producers Realm, Lee has been getting the social media aspects off the ground and ready for some shameless self promotion (I will post links to these a little later). Meanwhile, I have organised headshots for the crew (that's photographs, not executions...) that will appear on our website, which is due to be built soon. One of our incredibly talented friends in the Bachelor of Applied Media Arts course, kindly donated her Friday morning to us for the headshots (and she can be found here: Thank you, Felicia, you rock!

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