Sunday, 30 March 2014

Mind the plot-holes: The bumpy road to success

The games trailer project is beginning to ramp up. We've finally pinned down the story for our games trailer - for which we now have a name: 

(*drum roll*)
'The Bones of Essimer'

I have to be careful about what project info I can release at this stage but I'm sure I will end up leaking a few snippets here and there.

It's good to have a story figured out because it's pretty much impossible to cut a trailer together without knowing what the story really is. Your trailer is all about hinting at what the story is, so if you don't know what it is, how can you communicate effectively to sell it to the masses?

One of the more challenging aspects of the writing side has been the logic testing process. Quite often you'll come across plot holes that need fixing and it comes down to a decision on whether to continue writing and try to fix it later, or whether you need to fix it right there and then before you proceed. You'll find that everyone wants to add their two cents as well with coming up with suggestions - which is great - but a lot of the time you find that those solutions have plot holes themselves, or they create plot holes elsewhere in the script. You end up having to balance a ton of variables. It's like trying to solve an algebra Rubik cube. Not only that, but some people get attached to those ideas and maybe don't understand why they can't be used. When you have to keep finding fixes for fixes for fixes you start to stretch the credibility of the story. 

Suffice to say, there have been a lot of changes. I know that's difficult for the rest of the team because it ruins their flow and sometimes it means their work might be unusable or need to be adapted. I feel their frustration. It's frustrating for me too - I think I'm on my third or forth script now and I've lost a lot of things that were originally scripted. But then I sat down and thought about it - that's not that unusual, scripts generally go through multiple drafts, sometimes dozens or hundreds of drafts. Some films have writers on set writing new things for a film that's being shot in front of them. It's probably best not to think of that as wasted material, but rather think of it as just a part of the process.
So far I've got an overview of the story, the next stage will be taking that and turning it into a beat sheet, then from there I can start crafting a proper script. 

Having said all that, we are only a few weeks out from shooting and I'm keen to finish this script so I can pull up my sleeves and start helping the rest of the team out. It'll be good to be doing something physical because everything so far has been very cerebral. Over the last few months, I've been helping out as an Art Direction intern on a short film called 'The Ballad of Maddog Quinn' which has just finished shooting. It has been really good to be doing things with my hands, painting, assembling, disassembling etc - it's actually quite cathartic to be doing stuff like that for a change.

Also over the last few days we have been running a casting call. This is something we do every year just to bring in as many people as we can - it's always helpful to have a database of various people we can look through for casting various roles and extra parts. The games trailer will potentially need a lot of extras so this has been a useful process. The next stage in this process will be reviewing all the casting call performances and doing call backs for the main roles, but we will also be looking to advertise more auditions for specific parts so we're getting a chance to see actors from other parts of the country as well.

We're also looking at expanding our team heading into shooting - I've been in touch with the Beauty Therapy students and the Hairdressing students to see if we can get them on board because these are two area's that will feature prominently.

Much to do - must be off.

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